Surfer Saves 2 Teenagers from Drowning from Michigan Rip Current

By: Joel Gillespie Zeb Boeskool, a surfer in Michigan, saved two teenagers from facing death. After riding a large wave someone yelled that the two girls were drowning from the strong current. Boeskool jumped in the water with a life ring and pulled the two girls to safety. This lake in Grand Haven, Michigan is known for its strong rip currents. A cluster of kids have … Continue reading Surfer Saves 2 Teenagers from Drowning from Michigan Rip Current

Hey Baby, What’s Your Name?

By Angela Kovacs Names are an important form of identification. In some cultures, a name is passed down from generations. But in America, names are used for trends. According to a report by ABC news, the website came up with a list of 2015’s top baby names using information from the Social Security Department. It turns out that this year, a new trend is … Continue reading Hey Baby, What’s Your Name?